Greetings from the Booster Club Board!
The Panther Choir Booster Club exists to support the CHHS Panther Choirs, Choral Directors, school district administration, and policies. Not only do we support music education for the students, but we also encourage parental understanding of the students' activities, opportunities, and choral objectives by securing closer communication among parents, students and choral staff. We deeply appreciate music and promote music culture in the community by fostering concert attendance and public support of choir activities. We also provide the means to render financial aid in areas not provided for in the Choral Department budget but are necessary for realizing the objectives of the CHHS choral program.
The success of our choirs is highly dependent on dedicated and active choir booster parents. Thank you for joining the Panther Choir Booster Club and helping to support your student’s music education.
Please visit more information under the Booster tab.
"Why should I join Choir Boosters?
The Choir Booster organization is a vital element to the success of the choir program at Colleyville Heritage. The Booster Club supports the program through volunteer work and financially complements the district budget.
Recent activities underwritten by the Boosters include the purchase of a new copy machine, supplementing competition fees for performances at the Meyerson Symphony Center, and hiring a professional orchestra for the presentation of the Haydn Lord Nelson Mass.
Finally, our major goal is to keep the program fun and the students motivated to keep singing. We do this by supporting the various social functions throughout the year.
Please consider supporting your Choir Booster Club
Chelly Beck
President Elect - Open
Past President
Julie Van Buskirk
VP Fundraising
Rachael Abell
Lynette Houchell
Assist Treasurer
Michelle Eichelberger
Jennifer Richard
Social - Open
Dana Holland
Lauren Sparks
Janeece Garlish
Alyssa Olsen
Sandra Wiley
LeAnna Fox
Volunteer Coordinator
Tammy McFarlen
All board members can be reached
by emailing: