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CHARMS office assistant is our online management tool for the Panther Choirs. Within CHARMS you can view detailed student account information, make fee payments, and access secure files.  We also use CHARMS to send  communication via email and text. Please login and choose UPDATE INFO to be sure we have the most current information.




Your Password is your students ID Number

Our School Code is CHHSChoir


Please Choose Update Info once logged in and add/change any contact information that is missing. To receive text updates from CHHS choir enter a cell phone number in the student screen or on the Adult Page (please enter the number in the proper category so that we send messages to the proper person). 


The email address listed in CHARMS is the one that will receive official emails. You may change the student email and add any adults as desired. 


Please contact Mrs. McConnell or Mrs. McLean if you have any problems with your login.


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