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9/15 Newsletter

Another week finished for the Panther Choirs!

Tomorrow is LAKE DAY!!! We hope to see all choir students and their families at Rockledge Park on Grapevine Lake for fun, food, and fellowship from 4 to 8 pm tomorrow. This event is free and open to all choir students!

Coming up on Tuesday, September 19 is CHHS Choir Spirit Night at McAlister's Deli in Colleyville! From 5-9 pm, we will receive $15 of all proceeds from dine-in and take-out orders placed in-store. Those wishing to order online or on the McAlister's Deli mobile app can enter promo code DONATEMCA on the checkout page to participate.

Future Panther Night is coming up next Friday, September 22. All students will be singing the national anthem at the football game. They will need to meet on the north side of the field (opposite the jumbotron) by 6 pm for pizza and rehearsal. The middle school students that feed into us will be singing with us. Remember that this is a required, graded performance for CHHS choir students.

Coming up next Saturday, September 23 are District Auditions (first round of All-State auditions). Auditions this year are at LD Bell High School. Registration for Altos and Basses will run from 7:30-8:15 am, and Sopranos and Tenors will register from 12-12:45 pm. Students who are auditioning need to make sure they are singing their music for Mr. Rodgers and Mrs. McConnell - some already have but ALL singers need to do this!

Hope to see you all at Lake Day tomorrow!


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